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Raison d'état

This DNA project was created for selfish reasons: to help me find proof of my DuBois ancestry. Like so many others, the earliest documentation for our family line appear in Middle Tennessee in the early 1800s. Census records pointed back to North or South Carolina but years of research yielded no definitive clues. After creating the project and receiving results for a DuBois cousin I was delighted to discover we were a close match to descendants of Issac DuBose (DuBosc), South Carolina immigrant from the Normandy coast of France. This corroborated secondary and tertiary evidence collected over the years and helped me connect with a proven DuBose/ DuBois lineage.

My success convinced me that others might also find new clues and proof of their ancestry. This is the motivation that drives our project forward. Please let me know how we might improve this endeavor.

Robert Griffith, Project Administrator