Because of the number of participants now in our project and the number of markers being tested, the results tables are displayed in separate windows, accessible by clicking the following links. NOTE: The tables might take several seconds to build, so please be patient. If a new window does not appear, pop-ups may need to be enabled to access the results.
Customized Y-DNA Table with links to Pedigrees
(NOTE: at present this table includes only the first 67 markers)
Classic Y-DNA table from FTDNA
The customized Y-DNA table results are organized by haplogroup and sorted by the ratio of their genetic distance from the mode value for that group to the number of markers tested. The Group # column contains a link to pedigree information for a participant if documentation has been submitted. Clicking on a Kit number will search the database for possible connections to that participant and display results in a pop-up window. Only those participants whose genetic distance indicates possible relatedness are displayed.
Selected contact information is provided for those participants who have submitted a signed release form.